Ethical discourse of ethical (Islamic) finance: a systematic literature review (1988-2022) and the way forward
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This paper aims to portray the publication pattern, key themes, study trends and future directions for the studies on ethics in Islamic finance. A total of 194 published documents that includes journal articles, books and book chapters and conference proceedings were screened for the period 1988 to August 2022 and categorized based on designated sectors of the Islamic finance industry. This paper also highlights the change in research trends in all three sectors of Islamic finance and suggests possible areas for future research. A comprehensive systematic literature review was conducted using the “advanced search” function of “google scholar” by using the option “find articles” with the keywords “Ethic (s/al)”, “Islamic banks”, “Islamic banking”, “Islamic finance”, “Islamic capital markets”, "Takaful, Islamic insurance" without restricting the time frame, author list and the platform. Furthermore, the search for relevant articles was conducted on other mainstream index databases such as “Web of Science” and “Scopus”. Among the highlights of the findings were an increase in publications on ethical issues after the global financial crisis and an increase in publications in high-impact mainstream business and finance journals. A higher number of studies were documented in the area of Islamic banking and finance followed by Islamic capital markets and Islamic insurance/takaful. Although a greater number of empirical studies were published than conceptual studies, dominance was resulted due to the replication of the studies in various jurisdictions based on the same concepts or models rather than applying diversified concepts in various jurisdictions.
Systematic literature review , Islamic finance , Ethical discourse , Way forward
Shamsudheen, S.V., Ramadili Mohd, S., Muneeza, A., & Mahomed, Z. (2024). Ethical discourse of ethical (Islamic) finance: A systematic literature review (1988-2022) and the way forward. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research.
Emerald Publishing Limited
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