
Islamic economics

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Islamic economics is ethical as its principles are derived from the religion Islam that gives paramount consideration to application of moral principles in all aspects of human lives. As such, there is no need to mention the word ethics with Islamic economics to describe its moral dimension since ethical values are inherently included in Islamic economics. This chapter provides a basic overview of the lex loci applicable to Islamic economics, which is Shariah, in order to understand the Islamic world view surrounding the subject and its economic teachings derived from tawheed. Furthermore, the differences between an Islamic economic system, on the one hand, and socialism and capitalism, on the other hand, are also provided, followed by a discussion of Islamic economic governance via the institution of hisbab and the practice of Islamic economics in classical and contemporary times. This chapter aims to provide readers with an understanding of Islamic economics by presenting the theoretical foundations undergirding it contemporaneous practical application.
Akhlaq , Ethics , Economics , Hisbah , Islam , Morality , Moral economy , Tawheed
Hassan, M. K., & Muneeza, A. (2024). Islamic economics. In A. Barrera, & R. C. Amore (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of religion and economic ethics (pp. 217-241). Oxford University Press.
Oxford University Press

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