International best practices in existing corporate waqf models: a retrospective - introduction, chapter content, best practices
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Waqf is being introduced and implemented in a number of innovative structures with contemporary movable asset class. Despite that, there is still a demand for waqf to be more effectively organised and managed. This chapter studies the contemporary establishment of corporate waqf, as exemplified by Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad, Larkin Sentral Property Berhad, and Wareef Endowment Fund. These models are analyzed from the angles of governance, sustainable investment strategy, risk management, and social impact. These mini case studies are benchmarked against the leading Harvard Endowment Fund. The analysis sheds light on their levels of efficiency and effectiveness as well as their issues and challenges. This chapter proposes recommendations for consideration, especially to policy makers and waqf market players. This chapter adopts a qualitative research methodology by using textual and documentary analysis together with semi-structured interviews and discussions with the relevant stakeholders.
Waqf , Waqf models
Kasri, Noor Suhaida and Hilmi, Muhammad Hasan. (2020). International best practices in existing corporate waqf models: a retrospective - introduction, chapter content, best practices. In Buerhan Saiti & Adel Sarea (Eds.), Challenges and impacts of religious endowments on global economics and finance (pp. 223-253). Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
IGI Global