An exploratory study on the possibility of replacing tawarruq based Islamic banking products using other alternatives
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Tawarruq which is also known as commodity murabahah in Islamic banking is widely practiced in Malaysia to structure different types of Islamic banking products. The widespread use of tawarruq has made Islamic banks to be re-named as "tawarruq banks" and some even call tawarruq as the "magic lamp" of the industry. Shariah scholars have criticised this frequent usage of tawarruq in Islamic banking industry of Malaysia, while the practitioners have replied by saying that if tawarruq is a shariah approved concept, then what is wrong with the usage of it? However, from the shariah perspective, the issue here is not about the shariah compliance of tawarruq transactions per se. It is about the shariah limitations imposed by the scholars on the use of it. This simply means that there is a reservation made by shariah scholars in allowing the usage of tawarruq contract in Islamic finance as tawarruq is a contract allowed to be used when one has to choose between a conventional loan and tawarruq. The purpose of this research is thus to show the alternative Islamic commercial contracts that could be used to structure Islamic banking products that have been structured in the market using tawarruq. It is anticipated that the outcome of this research will assist Islamic banking industry to understand why and how they can move away from tawarruq.
Alternative model of tawarruq , Ijarah , Islamic finance , Salam , Tawarruq
Ahmad, Z., Zahir, F., Usman, A. M., Muneeza, A., & Mustapha, Z. (2020). An exploratory study on the possibility of replacing tawarruq based Islamic banking products using other alternatives. International Journal of Management and Applied Research, 7(2), pp. 142-159.
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