Ma'alim al-tajdidd fi usul al-tashri' al-Islami: dirasah tahliliyyah naqdiyyah li-uthruhat al-Shatibi al-usuliyyah
This book provides an economic analysis of the earliest Islamic society, focusing on the policies of the Messenger of Islam (Sawa) and his successors during the first four formative decades of Islam. The author uses historical economic data, facts, and evidences that are reported from the period, both prior to and after establishment of the Islamic State, to explore the economic relations, policies, and models that were in practice and applied at that time.
Islamic law
Lahsasna, Ahcene. (2010). Ma'alim al-tajdidd fi usul al-tashri' al-Islami: dirasah tahliliyyah naqdiyyah li-uthruhat al-Shatibi al-usuliyyah. Cairo, Saudi Arabia: Dar al-Salam.
Dar al-Salam
Available in physical copy only (Call Number: BP 143 S57 L184)