
On Islamic economics

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Most people do not make a connection between the religion of Islam and the vital issues of economic and social development; andd when they do, it is often to disparage Islam as a hindrance, even a retrograde force, in the progress of Muslim societies. The attempts by Muslim social scientists and economists in the past decades to develop a coherent discipline of 'Islamic Economics' have not gone beyond the confines of the academic world, and with the limited exception of Islamic banking, have not had a serious impact on either policy planners or the general public. They have also failed, I believe, to make the case that Islam has something distinctive to offer to the resolution of the myriad of problems that face humanity, both in the rich and the developing world: from poverty eradication, income inequalities, good governance in the poor countries to the problems that affect the rich world of overconsumption, alienation and social fragmentation.
Islamic finance , Islamic economics
Mirakhor, Abbas. (2015). On Islamic economics. In Zamir Iqbal & Zurina Shafii (Eds.), State of Islamic finance: a retrospective assessment and looking forward (pp. 31-79). Nilai, Negeri Sembilan: USIM Publisher.
USIM Publisher

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