
Case for a centralized database for waqf administration in Malaysia

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the various existing models of waqf in practice and determine their applicability within the context of Malaysia. This study was undertaken to investigate the practicality, feasibility, and potential success of implementing a centralized database for the administration of waqf. The research process involved extensive desktop research and thorough benchmarking analyses. Additionally, the study delved into the identification of obstacles and challenges. To provide comprehensive insights, case studies were meticulously compared and contrasted. The findings of this study indicate that the establishment of a centralized national Waqf database would significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Waqf operations and administration. Furthermore, it would contribute to the enhancement of integrity and transparency within the system. Following this line of thought, the adoption of such a system aligns with the principles of maqasid al-Shariah, ultimately safeguarding the reputation of Islam.
Waqf , Centralised database , Malaysia
Mahomed, Z., Abdul Hamid, B., Salim, K., Ali, A. F. M., Mat Nor, F., Johari, F., Zal, W. A. A., & Hassan, W. (2023). Case for a centralized database for waqf administration in Malaysia, Przestrzen Spoteczna (Social Space), 23(2), 55-90.
Oxbridge Publishing House

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