Zakat al-duyun al-masrifiyat al-muajalat: al-ithar al-nazari 'ard wa taqwim
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This research examines the issue of zakah on non-current banking debts within its theoretical framework. The main problems dealt with are the conflicting contemporary juristic opinions on the issue of zakah on non-current banking debts as well as the conflicting ways that these opinions have been implemented. This makes it necessary to pinpoint the most important causes for the controversy and to identify the weightiest opinion on the matter. The study begins by defining non-current banking debts and identifying their most salient characteristics. It then undertakes an explanation of the classical scholarly controversy regarding zakah on debts which are not yet due. The authors have chosen the second view, which is that zakah is obligatory on debts that are currently due and upon the capital and profits that will come due during the current financial year. Nevertheless, the authors see the necessity of an empirical study relying upon experts in the calculation of zakah to explore the economic impact that implementation of each of the three views mentioned would have and to choose the opinion that secures justice for both sides of the zakah function (those upon whom it is due and its rightful recipients). Regarding the aggregate wealth upon which zakah is due, the study has examined the views of contemporary scholars on the zakat able wealth of financial institutions. This is determined by accounting for all of the institution's assets and all of its liabilities. The study explains the most prominent resolutions on this matter, as well as the evidence cited, without voicing a preference for one resolution over another. The study also deals with the scholarly controversy regarding the zakah obligation on the government's share in Islamic financial institutions in which it owns all or part of the shareholder capital. The authors favor the third approach regarding the obligation of zakah on mixed wealth, that if the government rules it to be obligatory it shall be levied on all the shares, including those of the government.
Zakat , Wealth management , Islamic financial institutions
Bouheraoua, S., Mikail, S. A., & Ansari, R. (2016). Zakat al-duyun al-masrifiyat al-muajalat: al-ithar al-nazari 'ard wa taqwim. Majalat ISRA al-dawliyah lil-maliyah al-Islamiyah, 7 (2), pp. 9-61.
International Shari'ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA)