
Selected issues in the use of RegTech in the Islamic and conventional financial markets

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This study aims to explore several challenges in the use of regulatory technologies (RegTech) in Islamic and conventional financial markets and share recommendations in this regard. A qualitative research methodology was used to identify the existing challenges. Literature was reviewed and analyzed, and seven experts were interviewed or consulted online and their feedback examined. The judgment of the case B2C2 Ltd v Quoine Pte Ltd. was reviewed. This study reveals a lack of relevant regulatory frameworks capable of meeting some of the evolving challenges, lack of awareness among market players and lack of expertise in RegTech. The list of additional challenges includes the issue of legacy technology, the weaknesses of human programmers and the need for a multifaceted solution for compliance requirements. This study notes the novelty of RegTech in the financial world, especially in the Islamic financial market. Thus, there is a dearth of relevant literature. This study assists relevant conventional and Islamic financial market entities and authorities in determining the potential impact of RegTech on their respective businesses and the financial system.
RegTech , Benefits , Challenges , B2C2 Ltd v Quoine Pte Ltd
Kunhibava, S., Muneeza, A., Mustapha, Z., Karim, M.E. and Sa’ad, A.A. (2024), "Selected issues in the use of RegTech in the Islamic and conventional financial markets", Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 15(5), pp. 746-761
Emerald Publishing Limited


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