
The feasibility of introducing investment account (IA) advisory services by Islamic bank in Malaysia

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The objective of this study is to examine growth and development of the investment account funds in Islamic banks in Malaysia as well as to investigate the channel of distribution of investment account products by financial advisor market. furthermore, this study is firsthand research that related to the investment account advisory services in Islamic banks. Therefore, two ways of conducting this study to meet the objective by using desktop research and interview method. First, the study used the desktop research technique to examine the size and growth of investment account in Islamic banks in Malaysia. Ten Islamic banks have been chosen to compare the four elements of investment account, namely the number of investment account, the underlying assets, rate of return and profit-sharing ratio, and customer segmentations. Secondly, the study interview financial advisor in five chosen Islamic banks. The study found that more than 50% of financial advisor agreed on the idea of establishing new investment account advisory services in Islamic banks. The findings also indicated that there are some issues related to the slow growth of investment account for over five years. Perhaps by implementing these advisory services in Islamic banks can boost the distribution of investment accounts and investment account platform (IAP) products by utilizing the financial knowledge of financial advisor in Malaysia today.
Investment account platform (IAP) , Islamic banks , Malaysia , Project paper (MSc)
Ahmad Noor Azam, A. A. (2022). The feasibility of introducing investment account (IA) advisory services by Islamic bank in Malaysia (Master dissertation). INCEIF, Kuala Lumpur. Retrieved from

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