Communicated ethical identity disclosure (CEID) of Islamic banks under the AAOIFI and IFRS accounting regimes: a global evidence
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This paper aims to assess the ethical disclosure of Islamic banks (IBs) under different accounting regimes and to ascertain whether the adoption of an Islamic accounting standards (Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions [AAOIFI]) promotes the practice of ethical disclosure. An ethical identity disclosure index was developed to serve as a benchmark to assess the level of the communicated ethical identity disclosure (CEID) of 47 IBs over 18 countries using annual reports. The findings suggest that, overall, there is poor ethical disclosure practices and even banks that had some initiatives towards disclosures had no proper reference to benchmark for effective implementation of ethical reporting standards and had no plans for ethical and socially responsible schemes. There was no evidence to suggest that IBs that adapted the religious-based accounting regime (AAOIFI) had better levels of ethical disclosure. Though poor practices of CEID are expected to increase reputational risks and the likelihood of loss of religious conscious customers and investors' confidence and therefore market share and performance in the long-term, the current practice does not concur with this expectation. Furthermore, since there is no evidence to support the notion that the adoption of AAOIFI standards would support greater initiatives towards level of ethical identity disclosures, a mandatory requirement for effective disclosure through enforcement of AAOIFI's financial reporting standards, specifically with regard to ethics and social and environmental commitment is needed.
(CEID) Communicated ethical identity disclosure , Religious-based accounting regime , Religious-neutral accounting regime
Gadhoum, M. A., Muhamad Sori, Z., Ramadili Mohd, S. M., & Mahomed, Z. (2022). Communicated ethical identity disclosure (CEID) of Islamic banks under the AAOIFI and IFRS accounting regimes: a global evidence. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 13(5), 737-759.
Emerald Publishing Limited