Halal certification process for fisheries products in Maldives
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This paper aims to examine existing halal certification regime in Maldives and address impediments therein that challenge and inhibit the growth of the country's halal industry in relation to fisheries products. This is qualitative research based on first-hand experiences of the authors in the halal certification process in the Maldives. Doctrinal methodology is used in the analysis of primary sources of data, including Maldivian laws and halal certification regulations to identify issues of practical relevance. This is complemented with content analysis of secondary data sourced from journal articles, books, reports and online databases that were examined in identifying hindrances and loopholes in the halal certification process. Fish is generally halal, but processed fisheries products cannot be so deemed when certain additives and enhancers are constituents therein. At the moment, Maldives halal certification pertains only to fisheries products. Against this backdrop, this research identifies knowledge gap, legal and governance constraints pertaining to capacity as impediments towards the halal certification of such products in the Maldives. Such concerns hinder the Maldives from tapping the socio-economic benefits of the halal certification of its fisheries products to the desired level in the development of its halal industry.
Fisheries products , Halal certificate , Halal certification , Maldives , SDG 14
Muneeza, A., & Mustapha, Z. (2021). Halal certification process for fisheries products in Maldives. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12(2), 451-466.
Emerald Publishing Limited