Tawarruq as a product for financing within the Islamic banking system: a case study of Malaysian Islamic banking system
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Many discussions and studies have taken place regarding the permissibility of Tawarruq and 'Inah transactions. While Tawarruq is widely used in Malaysia and around the globe 'Inah has been declined by many Islamic banks operating in many jurisdictions. The purpose of this paper is to study the application of Tawarruq in the Malaysian Islamic banking system. For this purpose the paper will discuss the permissibility of Tawarruq transactions from viewpoint of classical and contemporary scholars and its application in other countries. The methodology used to conduct the study was qualitative; hence the data was collected from various documents and studies conducted by scholars. For this purpose a comprehensive study on Tawarruq was extracted from the Bank Negara guidelines and other various publications was made. The outcome of this research revealed that there are contradictory views on the usage of Tawarruq. While some jurists standby the view of its permissibility, others view it as an invalid product of Islamic banking. Furthermore, it was shown that limited studies have been conducted on the practice of Tawarruq in various Islamic financial Institutions and limited data was seen from the financial reports of the banks indicating the amount of Tawarruq usage.
Bursa suq al-sila , 'Inah , Liquidity management , Shariah compliance , Islamic banking , Islamic finance , Tawarruq
Ahmad, E. F., Shihama, M., Mohamad Tarmizi, N. A., Jibril, S. M., Djama, S. I., & Muneeza, A. (2017). Tawarruq as a product for financing within the Islamic banking system: a case study of Malaysian Islamic banking system. International Journal of Management and Applied Research, 4(1), pp. 31-43.
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